Oil Painting CoralFish12G Portrait

Oil Painting CoralFish12G Portrait

Today I’m sharing the secret painting of George from CoralFish12G here on youtube! He has an AMAZING channel about all things fish, coral and aquariums. He travels all over the world to bring us amazing videos about fishkeeping!! Watch George’s full video...
Acrylic Painting Tips – Surreal Flamingo &  Octopus

Acrylic Painting Tips – Surreal Flamingo & Octopus

I’m sharing acrylic painting tips to make your work look more realistic and capture your unique style! I’ve also got updates on my reef tank and fish at the end of this video! I am sponsored by Fredrix canvas. The canvas in this video was supplied to me by...
Surreal Bull in a Fish Shop Acrylic Painting

Surreal Bull in a Fish Shop Acrylic Painting

I’m sharing my surreal bull in a fish shop painting! I used acrylics along with an airbrush to paint this custom piece for a friend who works at Aquastudios Aquarium in the Colony Tx. You can find tons of my marine paintings and paintings from other artists...
Inktense Painting Tips

Inktense Painting Tips

I’m sharing tips for painting a dolphin in space with Inktense. These tips, tricks and techniques will be great for beginners learning to paint with inktense. This is water soluble ink, not watercolor. Check out George – CoralFish12G on Youtube!...