Having trouble pinpointing your artistic style? You don’t know how to figure out what it is that will make you different? I often tell artists that your style finds you the more you paint and draw. That is still true, but let’s take it a step farther. If you’re painting and drawing what you think other people will like, it’s going to make it much harder to find YOUR style because you’ve been molding your work into the style of others.
Try this instead: Start painting things with the intent to hang them in your own home. On your own walls. Something YOU want to look at. Not everything you do needs to be hung in your home, but when you start painting more with yourself in mind, your style will have a better chance of really taking off!
I also recommend spending a lot of time looking at other art. Pinpoint what you like or don’t like. Apply those things to the work you paint for yourself! I know for those taking commissions this can be more difficult, but try to find time to start painting things for yourself between the commission work.

We all need to be reminded “Don’t drink the paint water” and other fun artist sayings.
Why not wear it on our clothes or coffee mugs to make sure we don’t forget? LachriMerch.com

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