This week I planned on having a video about artist block up for you, but I forgot this was the end of the month week…which means patreon postcards, & patreon reference photos on top of my regular personal zoo maintenance. I’m currently trying to save a group of 4 sick fish. It’s been a long month for me! Don’t worry, my main reef fish are all healthy and happy, I picked up some ill fish I’m currently trying to save. It’s going…well it’s going. There’s one last bug I just can’t get them clean from. My life has been waterchanges, medicating, and A LOT of time spent with a microscope.
Anyway, I still wanted something for you this week besides my tranquil time-lapses (that name is so cheesy I cant not love it).
Here is one of my Patreon videos free for you to watch! See how I painted the clouds for my recent surreal orca marine painting in acrylics! Follow along and share what your clouds come out like by tagging me on Instagram or MeWe!
Here is the reference photo that inspired my clouds.

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