Should you add white to watercolor? For some reason when I made this video I kept calling the Faber-Castell watercolor pencils “Aquarelle” instead of “Albrecht Durer”. I’m a genius sometimes.
Traditionally artists avoided using white with their watercolor because flattens the work. You can lose some of the beautiful luminance watercolor painting has to offer. There is a time and a place for it though, and today I’m sharing the most opaque white I’ve ever used!
My Watercolor Supplies: (amazon affiliate links)
- Faber-Castell Albrecht Durer
- Caran d’Ache Museum Aquarelle
- Dr Martins Bleedproof White
- Derwent Waterbrush
- Arches Hot Pressed Watercolor Paper Block in 8×10 and 11×14″ (I used 11×14″ in this project)
- Artist Black Masking Tape 1″ x 60 Yard Roll
- Kum Sharpener
- Easel daylight lamp

We all need to be reminded “Don’t drink the paint water” and other fun artist sayings.
Why not wear it on our clothes or coffee mugs to make sure we don’t forget.

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