I’ve been loving my new tablet. This is my fifth sketch I have done on it. I’m using Sketchbook pro for tablets and the Spen stylus that came with my tablet.

Digital drawing with sketchbook pro



Getting started on this sketch I used the pencil “brush” in a light color for the basic outline of the dog.

Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets



Now that I have my sketch I add a layer.

Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets



I move that layer behind my first so that I don’t lose my guide lines.

Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Now I switch to the airbrush “brush” and to a black color to start layering in my blacks on the dog.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

I’ve changed my brush settings to be more transparent for these next areas.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Time to switch to the tans.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Now to a deeper brown to start building up depth.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

You can zoom into any area you need to for detail work with the standard pinch to zoom feature.  I’ve started working on the eyes here.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

More on the eyes.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Switching colors now to a blueish grey for the highlights on the black areas.

Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

I’ve now blocked in those greyish blue areas.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

I switched colors again, still working with the airbrush “brush” to add some deeper redish browns to the dog.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Now I’m going back and adding more darks, this time keeping it very transparent.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Still adding more shading with the dark colors.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Time for a new layer, this one will sit on top of my others.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

I’m now switching “brushes” to the pencil and using a black with a higher level of opacity.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

I’ve added a bit more detail to the eyes. and have started cleaning up my edges with an eraser tool around the outside of the face.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets


My initial sketch is now getting in my way so I go to “layers” and change its visibility. I don’t delete it just yet in case I want to use it as a guide later on.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

I’m building up the black lines with the pencil brush now to create texture.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Once I sketch in a lot of these lines I go back with an  eraser set to be fairly transparent and go over the lines I previously added to soften them up. I’ve also gone back to the airbrush tool and made small fairly transparent dots over the nose for shine and texture.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Back to sketching with the pencil “Brush”. Now I am switching to lighter colors to go over some of the black areas.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets


Time for another layer. I’ve dropped this layer back behind the dog to use as the background.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

I’m using the airbrush tool again, this time with a huge radius and mid range opacity  to keep a nice soft look.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Once I have that blocked in, I go back in with a darker shade on the same background layer.  I then add another layer on top to play with a different texture brush tool on the background.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Meh…I don’t like that.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Good news is I can easily delete that layer and try something else.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets


One more try.
Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets

Much better. I’ve use a couple of other brushes on different layers of the dog by this point to build up texture.  I had to be awake in a few hours so I called this done for now and went to sleep 🙂

Galaxy note 10.1 using Sketchbook pro for tablets


Galaxy note 10.1 drawing with sketchbook pro for tablets