by Lachri | Apr 6, 2021 | Acrylic painting, Art tips
This is the easiest way to paint the best northern lights! Perfect for beginners! I’m also sharing my April garden updates at the end of the video! Supplies used: (amazon affiliate links) 8×10″ Fredrix Nature Core Paint Board(sponsored) Liquitex...
by Lachri | Mar 30, 2021 | Art tips
Charcoal is a great medium to practice your values! This bunny is here just in time for Easter to show you a few tips! Supplies used: (amazon affiliate links) Canson Mi-Teintes Grey Generals White Charcoal Pencils
by Lachri | Mar 23, 2021 | Art tips
Facebook disabled my account. You will LOVE what they did this for. If it happened to me, it can happen to you too. This has just proved what I’ve been saying for years. DO NOT DEPEND ON SOCIAL MEDIA TO CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMERS!!! Thursday night I’m happily...
by Lachri | Mar 23, 2021 | Art tips
I’m sharing the lamp I’ve been using for my easel when I paint or draw for the past 4 years. I bought this lamp myself, this isn’t a sponsored video, just me sharing an art supply item that I love. Daylight Duo clamp-on Lamp for your easel or table...
by Lachri | Mar 16, 2021 | Art tips
I’m sharing acrylic painting tips for painting realistic wet fur! I’m painting an otter but these same tips would apply to painting dogs, cats or most other furry critters too. I am sponsored by Fredrix canvas. The canvas in this video was supplied to me...