by Lachri | Mar 2, 2023 | Art tips, Colored Pencil, Full Beginner Art Lessons
I’m showing you step by step how to use pan pastels and colored pencil in an easy full drawing lesson! Supplies I will be using (amazon affiliate links) Canson Mi-Teintes black (I’m going to work on the smooth side) Derwent...
by Lachri | Mar 2, 2023 | Livestreams
In this free beginner’s lesson, I will show you how to draw a beautiful white butterfly in pan pastels and colored pencil! Join me Wednesday, March 8th at 8PM CT for this event! Supplies I will be using (amazon affiliate links) Canson Mi-Teintes...
by Lachri | Feb 25, 2023 | Art tips, Colored Pencil, Full Beginner Art Lessons, Livestreams
This week I’m going to walk you through an essex butterfly! Join me at 8pm CT for this live event! Supplies I will be using (amazon affiliate links) Canson Mi-Teintes black (I’m going to work on the smooth side) Derwent Lightfast...
by Lachri | Feb 25, 2023 | Acrylic painting, Art tips
From the time we’re children holding our first paint brush, we ALL do this. We’re shown how to do this. It is the start of a dirty terrible horrible habit. You’ve been painting with a brush, now it’s covered in paint, and you put it in the sink...
by Lachri | Feb 18, 2023 | Art tips
If you’re like me, your art studio is inside your home. This means we have different challenges to setting up our studio space than someone with any other type of art studio. #1 Protect Your Floors A canvas drop cloth can cover your carpet wall to wall! I like...