by Lachri | Oct 1, 2022 | Art tips, Graphite, Speed paintings, drawings and tutorials
This time lapse video shows you the how great Faber Castell Graphite Aquarelle pencils are for creating photorealistic drawings and the darkest blacks! Get all the detail you could want plus the highest contrast! Supplies used: (amazon affiliate links) Faber-Castell...
by Lachri | Oct 1, 2022 | Art tips, Business & Marketing for Artists, Vlogs
Whose at fault when a customer doesn’t pay? I got to watch this play out from a distance recently with a personal friend of mine. The first week of June, she asked a friend of hers she’s in a club with to design a logo for her small plant etsy store. This...
by Lachri | Oct 1, 2022 | Acrylic painting, Art tips
In this acrylic painting tip video, I’m showing you how to make a cracked background without a crackle medium! I’m going to show you how to create this effect with just water, paint, and a hair...
by Lachri | Oct 1, 2022 | Vlogs
We’ve all heard it. “you’re so gifted”, “It’s a gift from God!”, and “Who did you inherit your talent from?!” I’m not going to claim genetics plays no role. I would consider it a possibility as far as you...
by Lachri | Jul 12, 2022 | Art tips, Vlogs
I have two quick solutions for artist block! The first is pretty simple, the second will encourage your creativity on top of solving your block. It’s like Metamucil for artist brainwaves! Remember when it comes to art is that you will paint hundreds if not...