How to find your art style

How to find your art style

Your style will be based on things like your lighting, color choice, brush or pencil stroke type, the way you blend (or don’t blend), how realistic or non-realistic the work is, and the subject matter or common themes. But most importantly it will be BASED ON...
Happy 4th of July – Free Art Gift!

Happy 4th of July – Free Art Gift!

This week I planned on having a video about artist block up for you, but I forgot this was the end of the month week…which means patreon postcards, & patreon reference photos on top of my regular personal zoo maintenance. I’m currently trying to save a...
10 Tips for Better Colored Pencil Portraits

10 Tips for Better Colored Pencil Portraits

Tip # 1 If you’re new to portraits, charcoal the BEST medium to start with. Charcoal is inexpensive compared to other mediums, it’s FAST to work in and easy to fix mistakes. On top of that you learn to focus on your values (lights light enough, darks dark...