Colored Pencil  As seen on TV Parody – But real!

Colored Pencil As seen on TV Parody – But real!

Do your colored pencils fail to produce breathtaking results? You mastered coloring books but now want to create beautiful paintings with those colored pencils. Where do you start? In this 80s as seen on tv infomercial parody, I’m sharing my new limited edition...
Want to improve your art? CHANGE this!

Want to improve your art? CHANGE this!

Make your paintings and drawings look better by changing this one thing! This will work on ANY medium! This is holding you back as an artist, but I’m going to show you exactly how you can put an end to that today! We’ve all said it after spending an...
This will make your acrylic paintings look like oils!

This will make your acrylic paintings look like oils!

If your acrylic paintings are looking too rough when you try to blend, try this tool to keep everything smooth! This tool will help keep your acrylic paints wet longer so that you have time to blend like you would in oil paints! I’m showing you this tool in...
Should you use white with Watercolor Pencils?

Should you use white with Watercolor Pencils?

Should you add white to watercolor? For some reason when I made this video I kept calling the Faber-Castell watercolor pencils “Aquarelle” instead of “Albrecht Durer”. I’m a genius sometimes. Traditionally artists avoided using white with...