by Lachri | Sep 17, 2019 | Art tips, Colored Pencil
Watch colored pencil tips and techniques while I draw a black cat, coral, and fish! This cat and coral belong to Than of Tidal Gardens! This is also where I got all of my coral reference photos! I’m drawing in colored pencil using Polychromos, Derwent Lightfast,...
by Lachri | Sep 17, 2019 | Art tips, Business & Marketing for Artists, Vlogs
If you’ve been around my channel for very long you may remember the days when I was uploading 5 videos a week (well 4, one was a livestream) plus the patreon videos. I worked NON STOP! Then I landed in the hospital. It took 3 surgeries and 6 months to be sort of...
by Lachri | Sep 3, 2019 | Acrylic painting
I’m painting an octopus in this Aquashella themed painting for CoralFish12G I’ve got tips for acrylic painting and layering your paints. Want to see an update of my nano reef? Watch till the end! Get your tickets for Aquashella Chicago at...
by Lachri | Jul 9, 2019 | Art tips
I’ve got tips and techniques for blending and layering colored pencil while I draw this Nightshade Acropora coral!! These tips will be really helpful for beginners in colored pencil. I’m also sharing an update on my own reef aquarium, corals and fish at...
by Lachri | Jul 9, 2019 | Art tips
Learn tips and techniques to shade realistic pencil drawings for beginners! I explain the tools to get you started on a limited budget while still using professional materials! Watch the real time lesson plus over 150 more of my patreon art lessons at...